(Manufacturing Engineering and Technology 5th Edition, Kalpakjian S, Schmid S.R., Pages:15,35)
Process Selection Charts: This charts help you to find the processes which can forma a given material to a given shape, size and precision. Progress can be made by using the hard copy charts. Greater resolution is possible with computer aided process selection software. The axes of a process selection chartare mesaures of two of the attributes. These are roughness & tolerance, melting temperature & hardness, slenderness & volume and size & complexity level charts
(Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, 2nd Edition, Ashby M.F., Pages: 264 - 270)
Design For Recycling: Design for Recylcing is a list of principles to save and reuse raw materials in order to move towards more sustainable development, the following possibilities can be considered;
• reducing material use through better utilisation and by reducing waste during production
• substituting materials for those becoming rare and expensive
• recycling materials by reusing or reprocessing production waste, products and parts of products.
In what follows, possible types of recycling and recycling processes are explained based on VDI Guideline 2243. Production waste recycling involves reusing production waste in a new production process, for example offcuts (after they have been preprocessed).
Product recycling involves reusing a product or part of it, for example reusing a vehicle’s engine (after it has been reconditioned).
Used material recycling is the reuse of old products and materials in a new production process, for example the reprocessing of materials from scrapped vehicles (after they have been preprocessed). These secondary materials or parts do not necessarily have a lower quality than new materials or parts, in which case they can be reused. When the quality is significantly reduced, they can only be used for other purposes.
Preprocessing and reconditioning make significant contributions to effective recycling.
(Engineering Design - A Sytematic Approach, 3rd Edition, Pahl G., Weitz B., Felhuldsen J, 2007, Pages: 388 - 389)
EWMA Charting: An exponentially weighted moving average chart is a control chart for variables data. ıt plots weighted moving -average values. A weighting factor is chosen by the user to determine the relative impact of older data to more recent data on the calculated moving average value. Because the EMWA chart uses information from all samples, it detects much smaller process shifts than a normal control chart.
(Six Sigma Demystified, Keller P, Page: 247)
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