Saturday, May 5, 2012

030070245-Cem Ertürk- 11th week bonus words

Fluidity (Material property)

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Viscosity;Although flow is a defining characteristic of fluids, the tendency to flow varies for different fluids. Viscosity is the property that determines fluid how. Roughly, viscosity cache defined as the resistance to flow that is characteristic of a fluid. It is a measure of the internal friction that arises when velocity gradients are present in the fluid - the more viscous the fluid is, the higher the internal friction and the greater the resistance to flow. The reciprocal of viscosity is: fluidity - the ease with which a fluid flows. 

( Groover M.P.  Fundamentals of Modern Monufacturing 3rd Edt, Page:57 )

 CD (Context diagram) (Analysizing )

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Context diagram is a diagram containing only the highest-level process and the external entities with which it communicates. The process description should not be as flowery as a mission state-meet. 

The context diagram is useful in determining the environment of the analysis and the players that will be important. It is also the basis for determining the events that will affect the enterprise and the overall body of data that will be needed. 

(Hay D.C. Requirement Analysıs,   Page:160)

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