Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Çağatay Taylan TAN 030070119 4th week

Extrusion operations are similar to plastic injection except that the product is continuous rather than discrete.The starting material and the methods for loading into the extrusion machine are basically the same as for injection molding.A pliable product can be collected in a coil, while a rigid one is usually cut the standard lengths.Either method can be automated to allow unattended operation of extrusion machines.

(Automation, production systems,and computer integrated manufacturing 3.edition ,Mikell P.Groover, p.385)

Computer Aided Maintanence
Computer aided maintenance depends on sensory systems to provide inputs for conditioning monitoring.Sensors can measure equipment performance and act like watchdogs to detect system faults and degradation.
(Computer aided maintenance methodologies and practises edited by Jay lee and Ben Wang,p.19)

Single Minute Exchange Die
Smed technology is a science developed by Shingeo Shingo and is designed to reduce changeover times.The proble is simple.Any machine that has long changeover times must have an excess capacity to account for the downtime of the changeover.Furthermore to supply the rest of the downstream process during the changeover a large batch must be stored up.Any effort to reduce the changeover times also reduce these two forms of waste ; excess capitalization and overproduction.In actuality ,the objecitve is to reduce the changeover time as much as possible.In some refined cases, the changeover is handled by having multiple fixtures on the same basic machine, and by simply throwing a switch the changeover is made.
The basic procude of SMED is simple , it is a three stage process :
1-Seperate internal from external setup
2-Convert internal setup to external setup
3-Streamline all aspecys of the setup operation

(How to implent lean manufacturing,Lonnie Wilson, p.69-70)

FLame Hardening
Flame hardening involves direct inplegement of oxyfuel gas from suitably designed and positioned burners onto the surface area to be hardened followed by quenching.The result is a hard surface layer of martensite over a softer interior core.There is no change in composition and therefore the flame hardened steel must have adequatecarbon content for the desired surface hardness.The rate of heating and the conduction of heat into the interior appear to be more important inestablishing case depth than the use of a steel of high hardenability.

(Surface hardening of a steels,Asm international, p.237)

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