Wednesday, March 9, 2011

osman süzen 030060804 4.week

Shop Floor: collection of machine data statistics, estimation of non-production times and machine utilisation, tracking of flow of materials. determination of job completion times and realisation of schedules, etc., are necessary to evaluate the efficiency of the functioning of the system. This requires automatic or direct data collection from the shop floor. The techniques and technologies by which the status of production is collected is called shop floor data collection. (P.RADHAKRISHNAN-CAD/CAM/CIM-chapter 20)
Automatic inspection sensors: Automatic inspection sensors are used to determine if an assembly operation has been completed satisfactorily, which gives both econemic and technical advantages to a robotic assembly system.( A.E.Owen- Assembly with robots-page 211)
Water jet machining:In WJM material is removed from workpiece when a high velocity fine abrasive water jet impinges on surface.Abrasive water jets are formed by mixing abrasive particles with a stream of water to form a highly focused jet travelling at speeds of 600 to 800 m/s.(Handbook of design manufacturing and automation,Richard C. Dorf,Andrew Kusiak)
Single Minute Exchange of Die:SMED is like most other well known productivity and quality improvement tecniques,American in origin.SMED allows batch and queue operations to single piece or small lot operations and can reduce lead times.The key to understand SMED is know when the operation adds value to the product or service.(Lean Enterprise: a synergistic approach to minimizing waste,William A. Levinson ,Raymond A. Rerick)

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