Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ufuk Güneş Civelek 030050161 6th week

Spray coating

spray coating is a widely used production method for spraying organic coatings.They process forces the coating liquid to atomize a fine mist immediately prior to deposition onto the part surface. When the droplets hit the surface,they spread andflow together to form a uniform coating within the localized region of the spray. If done properlyi spray coatig provides a uniform coating over the entire work surface.
(Mikell P. Groover,Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing,p.682)

3D extrusion

simple 3-D objects can be created by extruding 2-D images in the third dimension. The
extrusion thickness can be specified by an appropriate command. The objects extruded
will have uniform thickness in the Z direction.
(P. Radhakrishnan, CAD/CAM/CIM, p.147)

Electrostatic Coating

Electro-coating is based on the electrostatic principle.The product to be
painted is an electrode of a high voltage circuit.A grid, whivh is positioned
close to and between the spray nozzles and the part, is used as the other
electrode. A DC current is applied to the two electrodes, and the part is
sprayed through the grid.The paint particles pick up ions and become charged
The work electrodes attack the charged paint particles and are deposited on
the work. The efficiency of this method of spray-painting is much higher then
(Harold V. Johnson, Manufacturing Process, p.478)


Electropolishing involves producing a highly polished surface on apart using
reversed electrodeposition in which the anode(part) releases some metal ions
into the electrolyte to reduce surface roughness.When current is applied, a
polarized film forms on the metal surface, through which metal ions diffuse,
in this operation, areas of surface roughness on parts serve as high-current
density areas and dissolved at rates for smoother portions of the metal surface.
(Development Document For The Final Effluent Limitations guidelines and Standarts
For The Metal Products & Machinery point Source Category,p.4-29)

1 comment:

  1. Ufuk;

    Electropolishing terimi daha önceden sorulmuş, ancak daha önce yazan arkadaş spelling'te hatalı olarak yazdığından aramalarımda farkedememişim.
    SONUÇ olarak yazdıklarının değerlendirmeye alınmasını istiyorsan yazdığım yeni terimleri kontrol edip, onlar açıklanmadıysa, onlardan birini açıklaman gerekiyor.
