Monday, April 18, 2011

Elif Naz Aladağ, 030060027, 10th Week

Customer Relationship Management (April 18th, 12:46):

CRM is a comprehensive strategy and process of acquiring, retaining and partnering with selective customers to create superior value for the company and the customer.

(Sheth, Parvatiyar, Shainesh, Customer Relationship Management: Emerging Concepts, Tools and Applications, p. 6)

Waste of overprocessing (April 18th, 12:56):

The waste of overprocessing refers to working items beyond the specifications required by the customer or conducting steps that are not necessary. For example, a part may require a certain tolerance or finish. Continuing to work on the part after it reaches acceptable limits is a form of overprocessing. Putting three coats of paint on when two are sufficient to meet quality standards is another example.

(Kato, Smalley, Toyota Kaizen Methods: Six Steps to Improvement, p. 24)

The Seven-step Process (for QFD) (April 18th, 13:08):

1. Gather the voice(s) of your customers(s).
2. Sort the verbatims you rceive from the customers.
3. Structure the customer needs.
4. Analyze the customer needs structure.
5. Prioritize customer needs.
6. Deploy the prioritized customer needs.
7. Analyze only the important relationship in detail.

(ReVelle, Moran, Cox, The QFD Handbook, p. 316)

Non Contact Near Object Detection (April 20th, 21:36):

In order to meet the particulate contamination abjectives, physical contact with wafers should be kept to an absolute minimum, and for this reason non-contact sensing is preferable. Types of non-contact sensing:
  1. Acustic sensing
  2. Proximity sensors
  3. Photo-electric sensors
  4. Optical time-of-flight sensors
  5. Vision sensors
(Gray, J. O., Caldwell, D. G., Advanced Robotics & Intelligent Machines, p. 239)

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