Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Utku Genç 10th Week 030060070 continued


Design of experiemts (DOE) is a planned approach for determining cause and effect relationships. It can be applied to any process with measurable inputs and outputs. DOE was developed originally for agricultural purposes but during World War II and thereafter, it became a tool for quality improvement, along with statistical process control (SPC). Until 1980, DOE was mainly used in the process industries perhaps because of the ease with which engineers manipulate factors such as time.temperature, pressure and flow rate. Then, stimulated by the tremendous success of Japanese electronics and automobiles, SPC and DOE underwent a renaissance. The advent of personal computers further catalyzed the use of these numerically-intense methods.

DOE is now used for a number of different purposes, including:

Development of new products and processes, Enhancement of existing products and processes, Optimization of quality and performance of a product, Optimization of an existing manufacturing procedure, Screening important factors, Minimization of production costs and pollution and Robustness testing of products and processes.

(Mark J. Anderson, DOE Simplified: Practical Tools For Effective Experimentation,p.ix)

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