Sunday, March 18, 2012

Eray Cavus 030060022 4th week

Data Dictionary (Data Control)

Data Dictionary: (old)
                Described in this paper is a Data Dictionary/Directory (DD/D) which provides such a method of centralized control over data management.

A DD/D is a centralized repository of information about data descriptions such as meaning, relationships to other data, responsibility, origin, usage, and format. It is a basic tool within the database environment that assists company management, data-base administrators, systems analysts, and application programmers in effectively planning, controlling, and evaluating the collection, storage, and use of the data resource.
(Uhrowczik, P. P.; IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 12, Issue 4, page 332)

Data Dictionary :(new) (better)
The data dictionary provides a detailed description of all tablesfound within the user/designer-created database. Thus, the data dictionary contains at least all of the attribute names and characteristics for each table in the system. In short, the data dictionary contains metadata-data about data.
The data dictionaryis sometimes described as “the database designer`s database” because it records the design decisions about tables and their structures.
The data dictionary, the system catalog contains metadata. The system catalog can be described as a detailed system data dictionary that describes all objects within the database, including data about table names, the table`s creator and creation date, the number of columns in each tablei the data type corresponding to each column, index filenames, index creators, authorized users, and Access privileges. Because the system catalog contains all required data dictionary information, the terms system catalog and data dictionary are often used interchangeably. In fact, current ralational database software  generally provides only a system catalog, from which the designer`s data dictionary information may be derived. The system catalog is actually a system-created database whose tables store the user/designer-created database characteristics and contents. Therefore, the system catalog tables can be queried just like any user/designer-created table.
(Database systems: design, implementation, and management, Yazar: Carlos Coronel,Steven Morris,Peter Rob, page:74)

Mechanical Gages (Measuring Method)

Mechanical Gages (old)
Mechanical gages are designed to mechanically magnify the deviation to permit observation.The most common instrument in this category is dial indicator which converts and amplifies the linear movement of a contact pointer into rotation of a dial needle.The dial is graduated in small units such as 0.01 mm.Dial indicators are used in many applications to measure straightness, flatness, paralellism, squareness, roundness and runout.

(Fundamentals of modern manufacturing:materials,models and systems 4th edition, P.Groover, p.84)

Mechanical Gages (new)
Mechanical gauges are now normally only used as a back-up to electronic gauges under most testing conditions. It is only for very high pressures and temperatures (i.e. above 350 F) wells where mechanical gauges are used as the main gauges. In this respect mechanical gauges have undergone somewhat of a resurgence in recent years as operators explore in ever hotter reservoirs around the world.

(Operational aspects of oil and gas well testing, Yazar: Stuart McAleese, page:117)

Construction Costs: (Manufacturing Cost)
Construction Costs (old)

Some of the factors underlying construction cost trends are straightforward -such as sharp increases in materials cost- while others are complex, and sometimes less transparent in their impact. Moreover, the recent rise in many  utility construction cost components follows roughly a decade of relatively stable (or even declining) real  construction costs, adding to the “sticker shock” that utilities experience when obtaining cost estimates or  bids and that state public utility commissions experience during the process of reviewing applications for  approvals to proceed with construction.

Rising Utility Construction Costs, Chupka M.W., Basheda G., p.1

Construction Costs: (new)(better)
Cost accounting and financial accounting systems make use of the same income and expenditure data, but there is a basic difference between them. Cost accounting is an internal accounting system designed for managing costs in an organization. It provides information for controlling costs whereas financial accounting is a method of presentation of the financial status of the organization to the shareholders, legal authorities or financial institutions who are not directly involved in the day-to-day running of the organization. Cost planning forms a part of the cost accounting system.
Construction cost  planning encompasses planning judgement, costingtechniques and accounting discipline for developing standard costs, financial forecasts, project budget, and cost control measures with the ultimate goal of achieving project profit/cost objectives. It uses standard cost concepts for costing work-packages, work-items or activities. The work-packages` standard costs facilitate planning and controlling of costs. Financial forecasts indicate the trends of expected sales, production expenses, profit and cash flow at specified intervals of time. Project budget quantifies the project plan in monetary terms and outlines the financial plan for implementation.

(Construction project management: planning, scheduling and controlling, Yazar: K. K. Chitkara, page:341)

Impact milling (Manufacturing Method)

Impact milling (old) (better)
In Impact milling, metal particals are driven against a metal target using a high velocity gas stream. A blocky powder particle is produced that has less tendency to align preferently during powder compaction than those produced by ball or attrition milling. When the powder is compacted under heat and pressure, it is more uniform, resulting in greater ductility. Since the low ductility of metal has always been a concern, improvements in room temperature ductility have been achived by control of preferred orientation, improved purity, reduction of insclusions, control of inclusion distribution, and by reducing grain size.

(Campbell F.C., Manufacturing Technology for Aerospace Structural Materials, 2006, p. 112)

Impact milling (new)

By modelling powder material movement in a disintegrator, optimum technological processing parameters of rotors and milling bodies can be determined. Today, about 10% of the electrical energy produced is used for the milling process. Thus, an efficient design of the milling equipment could lead to substantial saving. Accurate rotor design and proper material movement speeds on the milling bodies as well as impact speeds facilitate the formation of the self-lining of impact surfaces, thus decreasing the wear rate markedly. It could be applied to achieve wear-resistant design of the high-speed impact milling equipment. To obtain proper results, the study of the friction factor between the powder particles and the equipment surfaces is essential. This article discusses the measurements and dependencies of the inner friction factor of a fine powder.7

(Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Engineering, EESTI Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, page:35,36)

Syntax-Based Method (Programming)

Syntax-Based Method (old) (better)

Syntax-based methods are deeply rooted in classical pattern recognition techniques. The only
difference is that these appropriate techniques have been extended from catering for 2D situations to 3D situations. Feature syntax can be expressed in terms of either edges or faces, and it is based on their local characteristics. In order to recognise some common types of holes, three different types of syntactic elements can be defined.

Syntactic elements for holes and their possible instances

HSS – Hole-Starting-Surface: A planar surface with an internal circular loop

HES – Hole-Element-Surface: Cylindrical/conical surface bound by two circular edges

HBS – Hole-Bottom-Surface: Planar circle, cone, HSS

(Xu X., Integrating Advanced Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, and Numerical Control: Principles and Implementations, p. 94)

Syntax-Based Method (new)

Syntax based service descriptions are the most commonly employed description methods up to date. These methods hide what is going on inside the service and expose the necessary input and output values of the service interfaces. Syntax based service description employs techniques based on languages like WSDL to expose the interface of the service and other service description mechanism like Web Service Level Agreement (WSLA)

(Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, editör: Bj Rn Regnell,Daniela Damian, page: 243)

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