Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ramazan Rıdvan SEKMEN, 030080083, 4th week words

1-Destructive Testing (Group: Testing method )

This is a procedure that results in destruction of the item in order to measure the property of interest. A common example is the tensile test on a metal specimen to determine the metal’s strength and ductility properties. Destructive testing is often employed as an inspection procedure, because it is often applied to raw materials, partially processed materials and component parts. It can also be applied to the final product. However, destructive test for final products is very expensive and would be done on a very limited sampling basis. Tests at the prototype stage yield valuable information for product improvement.
( CAD/CAM/CIM, P. Radhakrishnan S. Subramanian V. Raju,p509)

New and better explanation
In general, field testing is categorized into two broad areas: nondestructive testing (NDT) and destructive testing. Destructive tests require the physical removal of pavement layer material in order to obtain a sample (either disturbed or undisturbed) or to conduct an in-place test. Such testing has many disadvantages and limitations. particularly when conducted on mod-erate to heavily trafficked highway systems. Practical restraints in terms or time and money severely limit the number and variety of destructise tests conducted on routine rehabilitation studies.

(American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (1993). Testing types. AASHTO guide for design of pavement structures (p.46)

2.Rule-Based Method ( Group: Feature Recognition )

Rule-based feature recognition methods borrowed those of expert system’s concepts.For different features, rules can be written for detecting directly the underlining features.Templates are normally defined first for both general and specific features. Then rules are constructed for each of the feature template. For example,
//recognise a 2.5D pocket//

If ((a face has an internal loop made up of a number of edges) +

(all faces sharing these edges also share another common face))

Then (there exists a pocket)

End If
More often than not, both geometric and topological conditions are tested.Therefore,rule-based methods can detect features that graph-based and syntax-based methods cannot.It is also easy to construct and alter rules when necessary. The above rule can be modified to detect a (close) pocket and (blind or through) hole,
//recognise a 2.5D pocket or hole//

If (a face has an internal loop)

If (the loop has one edge)

If (the face sharing the edge also shares another common face)

Then (there exists a blind circular hole)

Else(there exists a through circular hole)

Else if (all faces sharing these edges also share another common face)

Then (there exists a pocket)

Else (there exists a general through hole)

End If
Rule-based method has been widely used together with other types of methods for feature recognition.

(Xun Xu, Integrating Advanced Computer-Aided Design, Manufacturing, and Numerical Control:Principles and Implementations, pages 95-96

New and better explanation

Rule based methods, also called belief logic methods in some literatures, formally express what principal can infer from messages received [11]. With this approach, the protocols, the necessary assumptions and the goals of the protocols are formulated in formal logic. Then, the security properties of the protocols can be proved by using the axioms and rules of the logic [4].

Rule based methods are generally much more efficient than state exploration methods, and they do have found many subtle flaws. However, some of them only consider single runs of the protocols and usually ignore the interleaving of two or more sessions. So there are a lot of flaws which cannot be found with these logics.

In the recent years, a number of rule based methods and belief logics have been developed. Among them, the BAN logic introduced by Burrows et al. and Bolignano's model are good representatives.

Besides that, a special kind of rule based model is also interesting. This model constructs proofs using specific rules. Paulson's inductive inference method serves as a good example.

(Huang, S., MacCallum, D., Du, D. (2010).Rule Based Methods. Network Security (p.103). )

3-Mock-up ( Group: Prototyping )

This is a proven and old technique in model making. It involves making a false model to simulate the real product or prototypes. It is made in wood or plastic instead of, say, cast iron or plastic. The mock up has to be painted in suitable metallic or other paint to create an impression of the actual future product.

(Product Design and Manufacturing, A. K. Chitale,R. C. Gupta, p.39)

New and better explanation

A mock-up is basically a visual outline. Where the outline gives structure to the verbal content, the mock-up reveals the structure of both the verbal and the visual content. It will help you create the best-looking, most effective proposal because you are able to see it before you begin writing. If you don't like the flow or layout, you can adjust it at the outset. In this regard, the mock-up is a time and money saver.

( D.G. Pugh, D.G. , Bacon, T.R. (2005). Step 6: Create a Mock-Up. Powerful proposals: how to give your business the winning edge(165).)

4-Shape Classification ( Group: Classification)

Shape classification is a classification problem where the studied subjects are shapes. The classification could be binary classification of multi-class classification.

Chen J.J., McAuley R.S. Feris, T. Shape Classification Through Structured Learning of Matching Measures, p.6

New and better explanation

To measure with more accuracy the performance of our approach, we use the parameters returned by the algorithm as discriptors to estimate the global leaf shape. It is important to keep in mind though that the final goal is to recognize a plant species, and that the numeric parameter values convey more information than a rigid classification into rather unclear terms. These constitute actually global descriptors that will later be combined with local geometric features and other heteregenous data such as date or GPS coordinates to recognize species. This shape classification step will consequently not even be a middle step in our process, but it appeared as the best way to evaluate the behaviour of our algorithm.

(George Bebis,Richard Boyle,Bahram Parvin,Darko Koracin,Song Wang,Kim Kyungnam,Bedrich Benes,Kenneth Moreland,Christoph Borst,Stephen DiVerdi,Jiang Ming,Chiang Yi-Jen (2011). Shape Classification. Advances in Visual Computing (pp. 208-209). )
5-Elevated temperature machining ( Group: Manufacturing)

When the workpiece is heated, the shear strength of the metal is reduced, and the plastic deformation ahead of the cutting tool is accomplished with less power.The chips formed tend to be continuous, and the Cincinnati milling machine company has found that the temperature at the tool-chip interface does not increase in proportion to the temperature of the workpiece.Tool life is increased and cutting speeds may be doubled. (manufacturing processes Myron L.Begeman 1969 p.654)
New and better explanation
The need to increase productivity in manufacturing industry led to a requirement to increase the speed of metal removal in machining with the consequent need for cutting tools better than steel. Severe stresses and temperatures are generated during machining and the ideal tool material has high Young's Modulus to resist deflection, high hardness and strength at elevated temperature to resist deformation, good thermal shock resistance and high chemical stability to minimise reaction with the workpiece.
(Meetham, G. W, Voorde, M. H (2000). Materials for high temperature engineering applications (104). )

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