1) Coons Patch (Group: CAD)
Previous Answer
All the surface methods introduced thus far share one
common philosophy; that is, they all require a finite number of data points to
generate the respective surfaces. In contrast, a coons surface patch is a form
of "transfinite interpolation" which indicates that the coons scheme
interpolates to an infinite number of data points, that is, to all points of a
cureve segment, to generate the surface. coons patch paticularly useful in
blending four prescribed intersecting curves which form a closed boundary . (CAD/CAM
Theory and Practice, İbrahim Zeid, McGrawHill, 1991. p304)
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more general surface forms—the sculptured surfaces—often involve interpolation
across an intersecting mesh of curves that in effect comprise a rectangular
grid of patches, each bounded by four boundary curves. A variety of techniques
have been developed for interpolating between such boundary curves of which
perhaps the simplest is the linearly blended coons patch. Figure 9.19 shows
surface patches defined using this formulation. Linear blending has
limitations, and higher order blending functions such as cubics are used for
formulations that allow tangency continuity between adjacent patches. The term
coons patch is used generically to include other patches which are blendings of
arbitrary boundaries.
(Lalit Narayan Et Al., Computer Aided Design And Manufacturing, p. 20)
2) Endurance Limit (Group: Material Properties)
Previous Answer
For most material , the logarithmic plot of S-N curve
is approximated by a straight line . for some alloys , including the ferrous
metal , the logarithmic plotting method will generate an additional straight
linet o account fort he endurance limit the semilogarihmic method is the most
widely used in engineering applications.
The endurance limit or fatigue limit is not a constant
adn varies with the stress ratio , R. For a given material , the endurance
limit can be influenced by the type of cycling loading. Experimental data
obtained in the laboratory Show that the endurance limit of material tested in
uniaxial loading is lower than the endurance limit tested in reverse bending ,
provided that the two loading cases are sujected to the same stress ratio R.
(Fatigue and fracture mechanics of high risk parts ;
Bahram Farahmand, George Bockrath, James Glassco ; pg : 33-34 ; 1997)
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For most materials, the
endurance limit or fatigue limit is not a constant and varies with the stress
ratio, R. For a given material, the endurance limit can be influenced by the
type of cyclic loading. Experimental data obtained in the laboratory show that
the endurance limit of a material tested in uniaxial loading is lower than the
endurance limit tested in reverse bending, provided that the two loading cases
are subjected to the same stress ratio, R. Under axial loading, the stresses
are uniform throughout the part, as compared to a non-uniform stress
distribution where bending load is applied.
Other factors affecting the
endurance limit are: degree of surface finish, heat treatment, stress
concentration, and corrosive environment. Therefore, it is expected that the
endurance limit will have a wide range of values depending on the conditions
described above. Consider the case of high strength steel with little ductility
exposed to a corrosive environment and containing stress concentration. In this
case, it is possible to have an endurance limit value as low as 15% of its
ultimate tensile strength. On the other hand, consider the case of stainless
steel in the annealed condition and subjected to a noncorrosive environment.
The endurance limit can be as high as 70% of its ultimate tensile strength.
Experimental data have shown
that certain alloys, such as ferrous material, exhibit a clear fatigue limit.
For the maximum applied stress below this limit, failure will not occur and,
therefore, the material has infinite life.
(Bahram Farahmand,George
Bockrath,James Glassco, Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics of High Risk
Parts, p. 34)
3) Biofouling (Group: Pollution Control)
Previous Answer
Biofouling represents the attachment and metabolism of macroorganism or microorganisms like algae, bacteria and fungi on surfaces It plays a major role in systems, in which the surfaces are in contact with water or aqueous solutions. the hull of ship, heat exchangers or water tanks are exposed to biofouling deposits. Ion exchanges resins or membranes are futher examples, where biofouling poses severe problems. Methods of mechanical, physical, and chemical nature are used for controlling or preventing biofouling. the most common method is chemical one namely chorolination which is applied periodically or continiously.
(Fouling science and technology, L.F. Melo, p.233)
Previous Answer
Biofouling represents the attachment and metabolism of macroorganism or microorganisms like algae, bacteria and fungi on surfaces It plays a major role in systems, in which the surfaces are in contact with water or aqueous solutions. the hull of ship, heat exchangers or water tanks are exposed to biofouling deposits. Ion exchanges resins or membranes are futher examples, where biofouling poses severe problems. Methods of mechanical, physical, and chemical nature are used for controlling or preventing biofouling. the most common method is chemical one namely chorolination which is applied periodically or continiously.
(Fouling science and technology, L.F. Melo, p.233)
New/Better Answer
in water supply wells and other types of wells is a common, recognized problem
although it is not routinely monitored in water wells. Consequently, biofouling
problems are usually discovered only when well and pump performance and water
quality markedly deteriorate. The present paper is concerned with biofouling,
problems which originate from the microbiological oxidation and subsequent
precipitation of iron and manganese compounds in water wells and from
associated biofilm formation. Several methods have been proposed for the
analysis of biofouling problems in water wells but none appear to have gained
wide utility for routine maintenance monitoring purposes. Bacteria responsible
for biofouling phenomena typically occur in complex biofilm communities. These
biofilms range in size and depth depending on a number of physical, chemical,
and biological factors which are site-specific. Analysis of these biological
communities is essential for understanding the underlying biological nature of
the problem and for designing effective well maintenance and control
for biofouling can take the form of:
pumping and collection of water flow
(ii) collection of biofilm development on coupons and wellhead filtration
Water Wells: Monitoring, Maintenance, Rehabilitation ,p. 75)
4) Microvoid Coalescence (Group: Fracture Mechanism)
Previous Answer
microvoid coalescence is the typical process by which slow stable tearing and
unstable ductile fracture occur. The microvoids nucleate at various
discontinuties. For steels and aliminium alloys the most important nucleation
sites are large particles and dispersoids. In titanium alloys the voids
nucleate at boundaries between alfa and beta phases.
(Janssen J.,
Zudema J., Wanhill R. J. H., Fracture Mechanics, , p.329-330 )
New/Better Answer
The fracture mechanism of
microvoid coalescence is characterized by nucleation of microvoids and their
growth and coalescence to form cracks. The nucleation of voids due to plastic
straining is typically attributed to either particle cracking, interfacial decohesion
between a particle and the surrounding matrix, or decohesion between grains. As
the deformation continues, these voids enlarge, which consumes most of the
energy required for fracture. The final step of the fracture mechanism is
coalescence of the numerous voids in the direction of maximum shear stress and
necking down of the ligaments between adjacent microvoids, resulting in the
formation of localised cracks. The cracks propagate slowly because they only
extend when additional stress is applied. The resultant fracture surface is of
highly irregular appearance, and the site of the dimples visible on the
fractured surfaces may vary widely because nucleation of microvoids depends on
several different factors (including size, stress and strain levels, the amount
of deformation and purity of the material, for instance). Microvoid coalescence
is a typical failure mechanism of ductile fracture.
Laurila Et All, Interfacial
Compatibility in Microelectronics, p. 40)

5) Spot Drilling
(in G-coding) (Group: Manufacturing Process)
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are two major differences between a standard drill and a spot drill. One is in
the tool design, the other in the way the tool is used. The design between the
two drill types affects the flutes, the web thickness, the over-all length, and
the tool point angle. The way how the two types of drill are used is a major
consideration when programming. In the earlier section covering the tool
selection, the details for using the spot drill for this example has already
been covered, and the illustration is presented as a reference.
In a
summary, the spot drill depth of each hole spotted will be Z-2.35, at the
calculated XY location of each hole.
from the depth of cut, another critical part of programming a spot drill is to
calculate the XY coordinates of the six holes, which means a good calculator
will be needed. Once these coordinates are established, they will also be used
for the drilling and tapping of this bolt hole pattern. G82 fixed cycle has
been used for the spot drill operation. This cycle is very similar to the G81
drilling cycle (see next operation), but it requires a dwell. The purpose of
dwell is to pause at the bottom of the hole, before retracting to the clear
position - the reason? In order to make sure the surface of the spot drilled hole
is smooth, the tool has to rotate at least one spindle revolution, to make it
clean. To achieve this goal, the following formula calculates the minimum dwell
for fixed cycles - units are in milliseconds and there are no decimal places
when milliseconds are used (1 sec = 1000 ms):
dwell (ms) = (60 x 1000) r/min
the program, the spindle speed is 1693 r/min, so the minimum dwell in
milliseconds is 35.44 ms. Although Mat is the minimum dwell mathematically,
practically we have to look at another possible situation, and that is the
status of the spindle override switch, located at the control panel. On the majority
of CNC machines, this switch has the range of 50-120%. For the dwell
calculation, the concern should be with the lowest setting. In order to
guarantee at least one full revolution of the spot drill, even at 50% setting,
the minimum dwell has to he doubled.
CNC Programming Techniques, p. 17)
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