Definition (Geometric Tolerance Feature)(Better)
The symbol
for MMC is shown in Figure 42-6. The symbol dimensions are based on percentages
of the recommended letter height of dimensions.
If a geometric tolerance is required to be
modified on an MMC basis, it is specified on the drawing by including the symbol
immediately after the tolerance value In the feature control frame,
Figure 42-6.

Application of MMC to geometric symbols is
shown in Figure 42-8.
Application with Maximum Value
It is
sometimes necessary to ensure that the geometric tolerance does not vary over
the full range permitted by the size variations. For such applications, a
maximum limit may be set to the geometric tolerance, and this is shown in
addition to that permitted at MMC, figure 42-9.
MMc is that
condition of a par tor feature which contains the maximum amounth of materail
,e.g. minimum size hole , or a maximum size shaft. In certain cases its use
allows an increase in the specified tolerances if it is indicated that the
tolerance applied to the feature at its maximum material condition.
The maximum
material principle take into account the mutual dependence of tolerances of
size , form orientation and/or location and permits additional tolerance as the
cosidered feature departs form its maximum material condition.
(Manual of
engineering drawing , Colin H. Simmons,Dennis E. Maguire,Neil Phelps ; pg. 183
, first edition)
4-Annual Cost Method
4-Annual Cost Method
Definition (Financial Decision Method) (Better)
that accomplish the same purpose but that have unequal lives must be compared
by the annual cost method. The annual cost method assumes that each alternative
will be replaced by an identical twin at the end of its useful life (infinite renewal).
This method, which may also be used to rank alternatives according to their desirability,
it is also called the annual return method or capital recovery method.
are that the alternatives must be mutually exclusive and repeatedly renewed up
to the duration of the longest-lived alternative. The calculated annual cost is
known as the equivalent uniform annual cost (EUAC) or just equivalent annual
cost. Cost is a positive number when express exceed income.
(John A.
Camara, Computer Engineering Reference Manual for the Electrical and Computer
PE Exam, p. 39.15)
uniform annual cost spreads the cost of all items (initial startup costs,user
fees,maintanence,and anticipated rehabilitation costs) annually over the life
cycle of project.An analysis using equivalent uniform annual cost more
effectively compares alternates with different service lives.However when
making such comparisons the user must understand that during analysis it is
assumed that the same set of activities will be repeated indefinitely.(Tushar
K. Ghosh,Mark A. Prelas;Energy resources and systems:Fundementals and non
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