Thursday, February 24, 2011

Aycan PARLAK - 030060129 --- 3rd Week

Feature Recognition

Feature recognition is one of the basic techniques in Earth Observation(EO) needed to gain information abaut situation within remotely sensed imagery. The two basic operations for feature recognition are classification and detection. Where classification should provide good and robust background knowledge of the basic land cover within a certain area, object detection techniques specialize in finding one specific feature or object in defined area. ( B. Jasani, M.Pesaresi, S. Schneiderbauer, G. Zeug, Remote Sensing From Space, Splinger, 2009, p.106 )


Overburdening People or Equipment - This is in some respect on the opposite end of the spectrum from muda. Muri is pushing a machine or person beyond natural limits. Overburdening people results in safety and quality problems. Overburdening equipment causes breakdowns and defects. ( Jeffrey K. Liker, The Toyota Way, McGraw-Hill, 2004, p.114 )

Esteem Value(Prestige Value)

Esteem Value is perhaps the most mysterious of the three values (exchande value, use value and esteem value) because it originates in an individual's perception of an object. Esteem values arise from a feeling -typically pleasure- an object evokes. May say that esteem value is a special kind of use value because the esteemed objects are "useful" for causing pleasure. ( Charles E Orser Jr., A Historical Archaelogy of The Modern World, Plenum Press, 1996, p.114 )

Use Value

Use value is the ability of an object to satisfy a human want. In Larocque's case, the two individuals with whom he traded probably set different use values on horses, as well as on the trade goods they were to recieve in exchange.( Charles E Orser Jr., A Historical Archaelogy of The Modern World, Plenum Press, 1996, p.114 )

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